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Here is a place where truth, hope, courage, unity and healing from the pain of loss reside. This is where we learn it is possible to heal from the pain of loss you are carrying using The Grief Recovery Method® program. We do not recover from our grief, we can recover from the pain of  loss we carry by using the tools we learn in this evidenced based program. Here we give  you tangible tools to acknowledge your losses, guiding you in the action steps to completing what is incomplete for you. Helping you let go of the pain that is limiting your life the most right now.  Recovery means feeling your life honestly. Recovery means bringing back meaning to your life, being able to enjoy all your memories while knowing it's okay to feel sad just like it's okay to feel happy. Knowing it’s okay to feel.  You will learn to put language to your feelings to help you move through them. I am so glad you are here. In this space you will find out about who you are and what happened to you, not what's wrong with you. 


Individual Grief Recovery Method® Sessions 


There are 7, one hour sessions with a recommendation of weekly online meetings.  Reading and homework are required each week. Cost is $750.00 including The Grief Recovery Handbook 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition paid by EFT prior to program starting. Email all inquiries to


Looking for something more on-going? Visit my Grief Coaching page. 

Kathie Powell Coaching



As an EOL doula I will provide a holistic, family centered approach that is non medical. My key role is to provide an opportunity to talk openly and honestly about the dying process. I will help you work through any anxiety associated with death and dying; discussing fears, regrets, hopes, and what is most important to you right now. Together we can develop a plan for how you want your environment to be as you transition and work to create a space that looks, feels, sounds and smells the way you want. Other support services include:


  • Facilitate opportunities for caregivers to communicate their fears, wants and needs during this time. 

  • Help you evaluate visitation, how much and how often.

  • Work with the medical care team overseeing the 24/7 care.

  • Provide resources and education related to end of life planning, what are your wishes as the dying person? Do you have a green sleeve, a DNR and a Power of Attorney for Personal Care.

  • Use guided meditations and rituals specific to your needs, beliefs and spiritually.

  • Sit vigil with you, the dying person and your loved ones near your final moments.

  • I will provide education, guidance, emotional and spiritual care from as early as diagnosis through the grieving process. I will always provide non-judgmental support, education and guidance to the dying person and the caregivers as you navigate through the end of life together. 

  • End of Life Doula
    As an EOL doula I will provide a holistic, family centred approach that is non-medical. My key role is to provide an opportunity to talk open and honestly about the dying process. To help you work through any anxiety, guilt or shame associated with death and dying. For more information click HERE.
  • End of Life Planning
    This is planning and preparing for end of life care including wills, letters of wishes, trusts, life insurance, business succession planning and more. To learn more about this service click here.
  • Where can I add my FAQs?
    FAQs can be added to any page on your site or to your Wix mobile app, giving access to members on the go.
  • Legacy Project
    Legacy projects are a tangible way in which families can work together to preserve memories of their loved one It can provide intentional time to reflect on the importance of each other and what gives meaning to the persons life.
  • Public Speaking
    Lets talk about the uncomfortable things so we can get comfortable. Topics include my book The hardest, not the worst year, grief education, and getting real about the inevitable.
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Put podcast, book and free journal info here. Book and podcast prominent




Legacy projects are a tangible way in which families can work together to preserve memories of their loved one. It can provide intentional time to reflect on the importance of each other and what gives meaning to the person's life. 


It doesn't have to be complicated, it can be as simple as keeping grandpa's favourite coffee mug for generations to enjoy. 


Ideas include: scrapbook/collage, favourite recipes, make a blanket or pillows out of favourite t-shirts, hand prints of loved ones in plaster, keeping papa's favourite mug, letters, and meaningfully staged photographs. 



This is a plan for future health care in case a person becomes mentally incapable of making decisions. Identifying and assigning a substitute who will act in your best interest. 


Planning and preparing for end of life care: Advanced care plan conversations, documenting wishes for care and postmortem. Personal (Advanced) Directive, representation agreement and substitute decision maker. 

 Post mortem wishes: Will/Executor, enactment of final wishes, funeral/Celebration of Life

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Step fully into a life of passion and purpose following loss. 



You may have a sense of who am I now? After experiencing a significant emotional loss, you can end up feeling lost and wondering “now what”? Even to the point of questioning your own identity.  Now is a good time to find your way to you; the version of yourself after experience a significant emotional loss. 


No one is the same after a significant emotional loss. You might feel ready to make some changes and need some help getting started. Often, we feel ready in our heads, but not sure if we are ready in our hearts. What you know is you need to make a change. That change is taking one step towards fully living a life of passion and purpose.


My role is to help you shift from the fear of "Now What" into a place of calm.  A place where you get back into the driver seat of your life. Together we will uncover your hopes and dreams for your future. To learn more about my coaching program click below. 

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Let's talk about the uncomfortable things so we can get comfortable. I am available and willing to speak to businesses, organizations and groups about grief, end of life planning, grief education and my story.  These conversation opens the door to knowledge and hope. 


Topics Include (30-60 min sessions offered):


  • Grief and Loss/Dying and Death- the things we don't talk about

  • The hardest, not the worst year - My book - a widow's journey  

  • Planning for End of Life - the gift you never knew you needed to give.

  • Let's get real about the inevitable. 

  • Grief education - What is grief? Will you recover from it? Myths and Misconceptions


Speaking rates are $150.00 for 30 min and $250.00 for 60 min. Travel costs including transportation, meals and accommodations are extra dependent on location. To inquire, please email me below. 


Put podcast, book and free journal info here. Book and podcast prominent


Kathie Powell Coaching



This is a celebration of life for the person who is dying and is still capable of participating in a celebration. This is a beautiful opportunity for those who love us to share what we mean to them and an opportunity to say goodbye.


These events are not meant to be dark although tears will flow, there will be joy, pain and so much love. This is a moment for each loved one and the dying person to create deeply meaningful moments. It can bring peace to the dying and cherished memories for those we leave behind. 



This is not about planning for death, it is about downsizing and giving items that have meaning to you but you no longer need. Some might call it decluttering meaningful pieces you don't have room for anymore.


This is a special opportunity to share why you chose to give this gift to the person you did. How special it would be to give them a meaningful moment and memory. This is a double gift, you give a special meaningful gift to a loved one and are leaving less work and stress for those you love when you have died.



This could be the deepest conversation you have been apart of at a dinner party, but read on - I know we are in for a memorable online experience.

I've been on a quest to more deeply understand  grief, death and dying. My goal is to help break the taboo around conversations about these three things each one of us will experience.

I am so excited that you are interested in joining me and a few other guests for this online dinner. We limit our diners to 7 people including two hosts. Thank you for wanting to take part in this conversation. This isn't meant to be a morbid conversation, but a very human one, we will talk openly about grief and death and dying. This is a place to honour and explore our grief and where we consider what we want, both in life and during its close. Let's talk about it -- so we can lean into any fears we might have, get rid of inhibitions, and build deeper connections.  


Prior to each dinner I send a few "homework" assignments for all of us to read, watch, and listen to before we gather at the table. They are very short, but are engaging, informative, and inspiring. Nothing is too long. I am sure you will enjoy them and I can't wait to hear your thoughts. 


Our next Grief Over  Dinner "Grief and the holidays" 

If you are interested please sign up below.

There is a $25.00 fee you can pay when you click the link. 

Date: November 16, 2024 7pm-9:00pm MST (limit 7 guests)

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We will be using the workbook companion that goes with The Hardest, Not The Worst Year. A Widows Journey. I created this program to help you put into language your own feelings of loss and embrace your journey with grief. This was created to help you write, connect and process your own unique story of loss. Each week there will be heart work to help you dig into your own story of loss and your grief. We will come together to share thoughts, questions and the connection to what we are learning within our grief creating a sacred space to honour your journey within your grief. I will be your guide and support each of you, but I cannot do the work. Know you are worth the investment and the work you put into your story.
This is a 6 week online group program. Limit 4 participants.

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